About Restyled Pieces Boutique
Hi! I’m Beth! I am a furniture refinisher and the owner of Restyled Pieces Boutique. I live in Westfield, Indiana with my husband Tom and our two tiny fur babies, Mandy and Maggie. I retired in 2019 from school counseling and prior to that I taught 1st and 2nd grades. After being in education for over 20 years, I was ready for another chapter. I wasn't doing very well just sitting around and being bored. So, in 2020, I enrolled in a 3-hour furniture painting class and I have been hooked, well…OBSESSED ever since! You will find me in my shop inside my garage almost every day.
I love restyling tired, old pieces into something beautiful and functional.
I hope you will visit me on Instagram and YouTube for more about me and my furniture refinishing process.